MI 4a/4x account unlock in miracle

Mi 4x/4a account unlock in miracle
Technical Brothers
Image result for mi 4x

Follow the instructions and unlock the mi account lock of mi 4x

  1. remove the back cover of the phone and unscrew it
  2. by shorting these test points insert the usb cable see the image below
  3. 4x edl pointImage result for mi 4x edl point
  4. 4a edl pointImage result for mi 4a edl point
  5. now your device is in edl mode
  6. open miracle tool
  7. come to the qualcomm tab
  8. select mi account unlock 
  9. select model and the scan for port 
  10. hit on start button
  11. wait for phone to boot up
  12. Now your device was unlocked
